Thursday, March 24, 2016

데이브 [동네 학생들과 피자 인터뷰 + 피자 먹기] Interview + Pizza with neighborhood kids

관심있는 사이트들의 업데이트 상황을 손쉽게 확인할 수 있는

Feed Me with! Download the TTP-Feeds-2016.opml file here Keeping up with the endless stream of great CALL content out there can be overwhelming. One of the tools that can help us 'sip from the firehose' is an RSS Reader. This is a way to have new content come to you rather than having to constantly check sites you follow. We will get things set up in class, but if you have any questions about how the magic happens, the screencast below shows how to use to subscribe to sites you like. It was recorded for last year's TES531 course, but most of it is still up-to-date. Once it's all set up, you can spend some time exploring the sites in your Feedly (and perhaps adding others). As always, use Diigo to bookmark any interesting sites you encounter.